Aredis De La Rose

Arro is a very brave powerful horse with a lot of scope showing the ability to go much higher.

Discipline Show Jumping
Breed: Selle Francais
Stud Book: AES
Colour: Chestnut
Stud Fee: £700
Aredis De La Rose Stallion

Order Aredis De La Rose semen

Owner/Agent: Steve Pullan
Contact: 07710 303740
Contact: 07710303740

Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS

Semen Type
Fresh / Chilled
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By World Champion Diamant de Semilly and carrrying blood from the premier French dam line SF1, being the Quanagra – Tanagra line he is closely related to International and Olympic performers Viking du Tillard, Cabdula du Tillard , Mic Mac du Tillard, Jalisco B etc In 2018 he has proven himself winning at 1.30 & 1.35m with prize money over £3000 from limited outings. Recently upgraded to Grade B Arro will be competing at 1.40m in 2019. Arro is a very brave powerful horse with a lot of scope showing the ability to go much higher. Carefully produced he loves competing and really wants to jump. We see a bright future for this young horse.