Princeton Mariner

Princeton Mariner is a horse of exceptional performance pedigree with wins in hand and under saddle.

Disciplines Showing, Multi-Purpose
Breed: Arabian
Colour: Liver Chestnut
Stud Fee: Contact owner
Princeton Mariner Stallion

Order Princeton Mariner semen

Owner/Agent: Sue Pyke

Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS

Semen Type
Fresh / Chilled
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Princeton Mariner is a horse of exceptional performance pedigree with wins in hand and under saddle. As the only stallion of his lines in Europe he offers Babson and SO preservation breeders a rare opportunity to add quality old bloodlines into their programmes at a modest stud fee. Correct and of true Arabian type, Prince has a biddable and affectionate nature making him a superb ridden horse and performance sire. His movement is free and expressive, even today in his 20s, and has been gifted to every one of his pure and part-bred stock to date. The eldest are already turning heads in the showring and dressage arenas. Princeton Mariner is tested SCID clear.