Vulcano Z

Breed: PRE
Stud Book: ANCCE
Colour: Black
Stud Terms: NFFR
Stud Fee: £500

Order Vulcano Z semen

Owner/Agent: Sadie Hadley
Contact: 07982 708137
Contact: 01732 867954

Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS

Semen Type
Fresh / Chilled
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Graded APTO in 2015 scoring, an unprecedented in UK, 9/10 in all categories. 2019 graded CALIFICADO. Competed in the National Championship, placing 8th in the highly contested Adult Stallions. Vulcano is related to International Small Tour Champion HABANERO XLI and Movement Champion NUBIA VII descended from VINATERO III movement lines.